Monday, February 08, 2010

It's been ages!

Hi, sorry I've not written in ages. I've had a disatserous ofsted inspection and a horrible few weeks with Rosie being poorly. We have finally turned a corner thanks to calpol and baby gaviscon. She seems to be on the mend but has lost a lot of weight (not that you'd be able to tell with her cheeks!)

Here are a few photos taken over the past few days. Enjoy!

Last weekend I had a day with my uni girls, Anna, Kate and Helen. We had a wonderful time shopping and we had an evening out in York. Tim and Rosie had some bonding time, they had a lovely time.

Rosie's been so sick every time she eats we ended up having a bowl at the ready. This is her today, on the mend but still hugging her bowl! Cute!

well there you go. Chat soon, big hugs xxx

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