Friday, July 18, 2008

More hen party photos!

Above are all my hens! Aren't we a beautiful bunch of ladies!!?

Helen sent me her photos so I thought I would add some of these photos on, I have kept the more drunken ones just for our eyes as I think they may lower the tone of my blog a bit... I apologise for one day having tasteful photos of my handsome fiance graduating to these silly hen night photos....
Above Anna and helen and below us dancing to something where we obviously have to add actions...??
Me looking rather tipsy...
me and katie
Me and my bridesmaid!
Well it is now friday night, I have three days left at school before breaking up for the summer. It is strange to think the next time I see my classroom and kiddies I will be called Mrs Smith!!!! I can't wait to break up as I have a hair dressing appointment with Daniel (the best hair dresser EVER) on the Thursday then have a week to relax and unwind before heading to Guernsey with Ant and Gareth!!! Then one more week after that before our wedding, how quickly time flies!

We got our honeymoon tickets through the post yesterday too which is very exciting, now have to sort honeymoon outfits and money!!! YEY!!!!!!!

well best scoot, chat soon, gemma x

1 comment:

Sameranda said...

Oh my gosh only 2 weeks to go!! Incase I don't have internet access GOOD LUCK!!!

I loved the hen night pics, what lovely friends! And flip flops are a very good idea, I wish I had thought of that.