Saturday, July 26, 2008

2 weeks today!!!

Hi everyone,

sorry I haven't blogged in a while I have been madly getting last minute wedding bits sorted and loving every second! I have now finished school for the 6 weeks summer holiday and am just so incredibly relaxed, excited and in love!

My husband to be (2 weeks today!!!) is currently swinging through tress with all his stags as he is on his stag weekend and is at the GO APE thing... then go-carting folowed by the Comedy Store and lots of drinking I imagine! I hope he is having fun, I am sure he will be!

So since finishing school I have been to leamington for my pre wedding hair cut which I love, it isn't changed much but Daniel at Blaze does it so amazingly well and makes it feel in such good condition I thought it was a must before the wedding! I also met up with my lovely Milverton ladies and had a giggly girly chat with them about weddings. I have also been so incredibly naughty and spent far too many pennies on honeymoon clothes! I have been good and only bought things in the sale but I proably didn't need so many new tops... oops! Below is one of my bargains, a roxy dress from debenhams! Great for on the beach, I just hope this sunshine holds off although we are not holding our breath!

I also bought the white flip flops... I am going to have them as a back up at the wedding dance for if my feet start hurting in my wedding shoes!

Well I don't have any other gossip, I am just enjoying the summer, reading, chilling out, eating healthily, going to the gym, lying in my wonderful garden in the sunshine and looking forward to the next few weeks of wedding buzziness!!! wohhooooooooo!! whoop whoop!!!

Better scoot now, chat soon, gemma xxx

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