Sunday, July 06, 2008

The evening!!!

So these aren't in any order... we got home from our high tea and got ourselves changed and freshened up ready for an evening of lots of alcohol and dancing! We played loads of games with fabulous cocktails Anna, Kate and Helen made! We were so giggly and girly that we moved on from game to game so quickly, was hilarious!

Below if Katie after having received a dobble in the game dibble dobble! She was hilarious!!!
Helen having a go at many of the fabulous dance moves going on last night!
Anna and I!!!
Helen and I
At one point they made me close my eyes and I heard a mans voice and I PANICKED thinking they had got a stripper!!! LUCKILY (cause I would have died!!!!) it was a chinese take away delivery man, and we tucked into an enormous meal of chinese food, was great!!!!!! The girls had thought of everything and had laid down picnic blankets to protect our new carpet!

This was afreeze master pose that caused much laughter!!!
Katie, kath and Katie
Me with my 'girating gemma' glass! Everyone had glasses with their name on!!!
I love this photo, katie is concentrating on the dodgy shaped balloon far too much!
Anna, Kate and helen singing with un plugged in microphones! was so much fun!!!!
Crazy dancing that continued into the night!
Kate, little anna, helen and anna
kate and katie
Lian (clearly enjoying herself!), kate, anna and anna
katie and me starting to look a little tipsy!
Lian and me
opening the windows to cool off after some what can only be described as incredible dance moves!
Me and Anna, one of the main organisers!!!!!!! She did amazingly well and I am so grateful to her for all the effort they put in.
Katie and me
and again....
We also played a few games of sing star super star! Very funny!!!!!
So they are all my photos, I am sure there will be many more appearing on facebook over the next few days!

I really did have the best weekend ever, it was wonderful and I have now got some fantastic new memories with all my best friends!!! So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to my friends who put in so much time and energy to organise everything, it was fabulous!!!!

So now, the next time I see all of my friends again will be at the wedding!!! Less than 5 weeks to go!!! WOOOOOPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!
bye XXX


Ant said...

I can't believe they organised it so well. Who thought of the night at the hotel? Was that part of the hen night. I hope Tim's night out was just as fun. We're having such a good holiday. Just today I feel like I'm actually relaxing. But I have dreamt of school every night since we broke up. How sad am I? Wish I could have been there but I was thinking of you! Not long now. xxx

Gem said...

The night in the hotel was to get me out the way so they could finish off final details, shop for food and decorate the house!!! So after my facial I had another envelope to open that said 'welcome to your hen party!' It was so so so so so exciting not knowing what was coming next, was fun fun fun, my friends were amazingly organised! Wish you could have been there too. Bring on the wedding!!! yey!