Sunday, March 18, 2007

Puppet shows!!


so I have had an extremely long week at school again, but also an extremely lazy one. I feel so exhausted after ofsted that I have found it hard to get back into the swing of it all, especially cleaning and cooking at home. I have loads of washing and cleaning to do but can't be bothered... I know I will have to do it by thursday as mum and sam are coming over and I want our litte flat to look gorgeous!! I just need to get inspired.

I am also feeling rather lazy due to lack of going to the gym. I have walked to school three days out of five which I think was rather good and made it to the gym on Tuesday and yesterday, but have also eaten far too much chocolate too. There is ALWAYS cake in our staff room and my will power is at 0 at the moment... I will try harder this week I promise!

I did however have a great day at school on friday. We did an entire day of literacy in my classroom linked to science, speaking and listening, art, design technology and drama!! It was so fantastic that it made me realise why I do teaching and love it (most of the time!). We based it on a book we have been working on earlier in the week called 'Where the forest meets the sea' and decided to make a setting in a box (a bit like a puppet theatre) then make animal puppets, then act out scenarios/stories using the puppets and setting, take photos, put on computer then put on to powerpoint and add words/sentences/ stories that the children wrote!! It worked fantastically and we ended up with a great power point presentation!! Plus the children had such a great day!

Anyway, no more news from me. Oh except that mum is coming wedding dress shopping with me on thursay!! I am so excited for her to see me dressed in a wedding dress! How strange for her to see her little baby in a wedding dress!!

We sent save the date cards too the other day - just to family who live a far and didn't know the date yet! Was fun to make them but not half as fun as it will be to make the real invitations!! Tim and I feel like we could do it all this year we are so organised but is also fun to be engaged for a year and enjoy the exciting things happening this year first before getting married. Hopefully we will be buying a house this year as soon as tim gets a job then who knows what after that??!!

big hugs, chat soon, Gemma xxxx

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