Sunday, October 29, 2006

exploring the north!!

Tim and I at Barnard Castle - we explored it a little but before going to the wedding. The dancing was a lot of fun!!!
The band was amazing, it played 50's and 60's music
The first dance was very romantic
This is lynsay in her very sparkly dress, was very beautiful.
Here they are just about to start the first dance, spot the bridesmaid dresses? lynsay (bride) made them! she went on a few night courses and made them herself!!! they were brilliant, not sure I would have the patience... mum??!!!!!


tim and I had a lovely weekend up in the north, we went to tim's friends wedding. Alistair and Lynsay (he was friends with Alistair through climbing at uni). They got married near Durham way. Was good fun and danced a lot, I did however drink far too much wine and am now never going to touch a glass of wine EVER AGAIN!!!

We then went down to York today to say hello to my friends Kate and Mark, but kate was in liverpool so we just popped in to say hello to mark and their cat billy. Tim and I then wandered into york to look in the shops and get some fresh air - I was suffering a bit today...

we are now back home and I am baking cheese straws to get a carbohydrate kick! I am not looking forward to going back to school tomorrow... I have had such a relaxing half term...

anyway enjoy the photos!

gemma x

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