Friday, July 21, 2006

holiday!!!! celebtrate!!!!!!


life is good! I am now officially on my summer hols for 6 weeks!!!!!! wow!!! I love being a teacher, I really am...

The children and staff were all very tired today, i had one child actually run into a cupboard - full on!!! Just too tired for their own good. staff also getting ratty with one another, not sure the heat helped today - was all very stuffy in school which didn't help. I was quite chirpy though but not sure others really liked it... oh well!

diet not going well but have had a fantastic week I am not too upset about it. Am going to have four days before flying to guernsey having a bit of a detox as I know we will end up eating and drinking far too much and can't wait!

I haven't done any jogging this week cause it has been too hot - even at half six in the morning, and also have been so incredibly tired i just haven't had the energy.

well no photos from me today, looking forward to setting up my classroom on monday - am moving to a new room so I get an interactive white board. Will be fun setting up displays and role play areas.

well hope you all have a wicked weekend, ant how is it back in mexico? laura how did your last day with birdy and dicky go????

chat soon, gemma x

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