Monday, June 26, 2006


Hey there,

no change in weight. Gets harder to shift the less there is! I still have a flublby-wubbly tummy and wish it could tone up like britney spears, just without having to do all the sit -ups! I hate exercise!!!

I did my tae bo this morning and yawned the whole way through it. Is so funny trying to motivate myself at half 6 when tim is in bed snoring his head off! (no actually he doesn't snore unless he's drunk!)

School was good today, being creative and made the most wicked seaside role play area - will take my camera in tomorrow and get some photos. It looks brilliant.

I also had three of my butterflies hatch out of their cocoons today!!! was amazing! we set two of them free and they flew off, then the other one didn't want to fly yet so he is waiting for his friends to hatch out!

well no more news from me, chat soon, gemma x

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