Sunday, May 19, 2013

it's been too long!

 Hello, so firstly apologies for not writing sooner! I have no idea if anyone still reads this, or if Mum you keep checking seeing I've not done anything on my blog for so long... however if you are still out there here is a quick update of what's going on here!
 It has been a very long cold spring, we have had a lovely sunny day today which has inspired me to have a big spring clean and wanted to get up to date with my blog. I will try to take more photos and update more often if I can!!

Here are just a few snaps of the past few months...

In a quick update -
Mum and Sam came to visit which was fab and went too quickly.
Rosie can now ride her bike!
Finley is now starting to chat away and we can actually understand him!!!
Rosie starts school in September, she is now 4 YEARS OLD!! wow! she's so grown up.
Finley is 2 in July.

 Here are just a few update of photos. I realised I haven't even put on any photos from our holiday in Guernsey at Easter... it really has been ages...! sorry.

 Rosie and Finley are just plain gorgeous. He adores her and follows her everywhere.

 Rosie's butterfly birthday cake! I now have to start thinking about my master piece for Finley's cake...

 Rosie had sme birthday money, she bought some lego friends, some sylvanians and I found this amazing dolls house at the NCT sale!!

 Rosie saying goodbye to Granny Sue :-(
 This was Finley today, looking SO cute in his little vest and flat cap, he is just edible he is so cute!
 My beautiful Rosie, she is just gorgeous!!!
 My yummy hubby playing football with Finley, they were very adorable this pm. Rosie and I were playing dolls.
Well I had best dash. I will try very hard to update more often. BYE xxx

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