Sunday, March 03, 2013

Spring is in the air!

 Hello everyone, here are just a few photos of our past few weeks since I last posted. Rosie above was enjoying dressing up in Finley's t-shirts (this is a 12month t-shirt that even Finley is too big for now!)

Below Finley enjoying his strawberries.
 A rare moment of calm! Rosie colouring and Finley playing with his cars and trains. They are starting to do this more and more which is rather lovely and peaceful!

 I took the children to my school on Monday morning before the rest of the class arrived, Rosie loved doing drawing and writing, and Finley loved playing in our wendy house role play area set up as a babies bedroom.

 We've done some painting this week and the children have enjoyed sitting at their little pink table to eat their picnic lunches.

 We've had the playdough out and below is what Finley did to his cars, he spent a long time concentrating on doing this.
 I had a lovely birthday on Friday, shame I had to work  but it was fine. Then Tim and I had a lovely chinese take away and some wine. Yesterday was a really sunny day and we went to Matlock Park Farm, it was really refreshing being out and about in the fresh air soaking up some sunshine! Rosie loved the trampoline the best and Fin;ey's highlight was the digger!! A really great day trip out.

 This was my favourite bit, the baby kid was just GORGEOUS and wanted lots of cuddles, the mummy goat looked really annoyed that her baby was getting all the attention so I gave her ears a good scratch too!! I want a goat now!!!!!

 Finley driving a tractor!
 Rosie bouncing high!
 Then they spent the afternoon in the garden in their sandpit, Tim polished the slide so they go really fast! They chalked on the paths, they rode on their scooters and generally loved being outside!
It has been a lovely weekend with swimming this morning too, now having a chilled out afternoon. Best scoot, just wanted to update the photos.


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