Saturday, August 25, 2012

ipads, cat baskets and trampolines!

 Well it's been a lovely week, we've been busy (as usual), the children are being angels most of the time and tiny little devils the rest of the time... Rosie isn't sleeping well (having nightmares which disturbs her night, and ours!) so is tired and a bit grouchy during the afternoons. If she naps it means she doesn't fall asleep till late then is tired the next day... so we're not letting her nap which = a very grouchy Rosie till bedtime... any tips welcome!

Finley is a cutie pie as always, he has taken a liking to the new cat bed, it is very soft! poor Oscar got booted out so Finley could cuddle up to Einstein, who is too lazy to move away!
 The kids now have matching waterproof all in ones ready for the autumn rain, they went to the park in them this morning as it was very wet, then the sun came out this pm and it was scorching! Followed by thunder storms and more rain this evening, the weather cannot make it's mind up - but we don't mind as we are now kitted out for anything!!!!!
 We bought a trampoline this week off some friends who were upsizing to a bigger one, this is a perfect one for our two, it is just big enough for them both to bounce, and it wears them out too! Great purchase!!!

Well I must dash, Pirates of the Carribean is calling!!

BYE xx

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