Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gin night!

Above Rosie playing with her friend Gracie, I will upload a video in a bit if it's not too long. They love each other!

Rosie had a long nap and she was due to wake up so I let Oscar join her, he was desperate and had been trying for half an hour. Bless him, he climbed on so carefully and then snuggled himself up next to her, so so cute. She didn't even notice!

Tim is away this week so my new mummy friends have been keeping me company, we had a come dine with me night with a twist, we each made a gin cocktail and voted for our favourite. It was lots of fun! Unfortunately I didn't win. Amanda had bought the best prize ever, a cheapy medal engraved with gin night 2009! FAB!

Mum do you think we put the doydee cup to good use???
Below Amanda and Jo
Jo and Siobhan with the winning cocktail - Gin-gl-bells! It tastes like refreshers!
Emma and Amanda (Emma's husband works with Tim and we only found out after a few times after we had met!)
Claire and Me
Claire the winner!!!!!
And now for lots more Rosie photos as requested by Granny Sue

chat soon, I am shattered so Rosie and I are having a lazy day today! BYE xxxx

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