Friday, November 06, 2009

Christmas is on its way!!!!!

Hi, I hope you like my new blog layout, I thought I should find one that represents this time of year, now halloween is over I am officially allowed to get excited about Christmas!

I have been wrapping presents this afternoon whilst my little girl is napping in her donkey. She wore herself out at twisting tots this morning. She giggled loads at the jitter bug boggie, loving the 80's music already!

So we had a phone call last night from Tim's boss to say he has to go to America... NEXT WEEK!!! He leaves on Tuesday for a week, Rosie and I will miss him so much but this may mean he won't have to go in the new year which will be good when I start back at work.

Below is a photo of Rosie standing, she was doing so well at learning to sit on her own but has now stopped wanting to even try and sit alone, instead she goes like a plank and wants to stand all the time. It is very tiring holding her up all the time, she moans if you lie her down now, cheeky monkey! At least she can be upright in her jumperoo!!

Rosie loving her cow toy, she has decided she loves cows. She finds i so funny if you make a moo-ing noise. Tim and I were moo-ing at her yesterday and she was in fits of laughter, gorgeous to watch and hilarious watching Tim and I moo-ing at our daughter!!!
Her donky can be round like above for her to sleep in, and below it can be turned into a semi circle for her to sit upright...

Below is Einstein and his latest 'catch'... he is so weird. He came running in all excited because he had caught some pondweed and a stick. Hm.

Well I don't have any more gossip and Rosie is stirring, I had better scoot. BYE xxxxx

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