Saturday, May 16, 2009

Introducing Baby Rosie!

So what a madly exhausting and stressful week yet amazing and wonderful all at the same time.
Our baby daughter was born last Friday 8th May after I hadn't felt any movements, so went into hospital to check it out. An hour later they had delivered her by emergency c-section, I won't go into details as it was rather scary and not a nice experience, thank God tim could get to the hospital in time with only minutes to spare. Basically she had been bleeding into me so was loosing blood, she had a blood transfusion straight away after birth and had lots of tests done whilst they were trying to find out what had happened. I didn't get to see her properly till 11pm that night and she was born at 1.35pm, needless to say there were a lot of tears on my part after the birth (I didn't have time to worry or cry before hand, I think I was in shock more than anything).

When we did get to see her we weren't allowed to hold her or take hr out her incubator, but tim changed her nappy and took her temperature and I could reach in to touch her hand as I was still in my wheel chair at that point. On the Saturday we were allowed to finally hold our little girl, it was very emotional and again I cried a lot on the saturday through worrying if she would be ok and from seeing her with all these tubes and wires. It was hard to hold her as I didn't want to hurt her or pull anything out. We were also trying to start breast feeding straight away and because she was premature she didn't really understand so got uite frustrated with me, luckily the staff in the neonatal ward and on the maternity ward were incredible. They got a breast feeding specialist to help us all week which has been amazing, and they gave me a private room all week so we didn't have to be surrounded by women and their babies.

Our first family portrait!
below is one of the blankets my mum has knitted, isn't it beautiful. Rosie loves it so much she has already sicked up on it!
She has beautiful soft hair, and is a auburn colour! Apparently when my dad grew a beard it was a ginger colour, and Tim's side burns have that auburn colour in them so maybe that's where the colour comes from, I hope it's curly when she grows up!!!!
Here she is on her way home, she was so brave as we left during the biggest thunderstorm I have ever seen! She slept the whole way.
And FINALLY after a traumatic week we have our baby daughter home. Isn't she perfect?

I think this is her first smile, some maysay it's too early and it is wind but I think she is smiling at her daddy!
How gorgeously precious is she? I just can't get enough of her, when she is asleep in her moses basket I just want to grab her in my arms. It is hard leaving her to sleep soundly!!! But I am being good, as we really want to keep her in this lovely routine the neonatal unit has got her into. She is feeding beautifully now every three hours and sleeps inbetween. We had a fab night last night and hopefully she will be able to stick to her routine as it is working wonderfully.

Well as you can imagine I am obsessed with taking photos of her so be prepared for the next 1000 entries of my blog to be photos of Rosie! I will also add a few of my boys, they are struggling with understanding what is going on. Einstien is so sensitive that he has even gone off his food, poor baby. Tim is now playing with him to try to calm him down. Oscar isn't as bothered although I think he is missing his morning cuddle in bed. We are trying to keep them out our bedroom from now on.

I had better scoot now and try to rest before Rosie's next feed.

Chat again soon, Gemma xxx


beth spencer said...

Well done Gemma (and Tim) and welcome to the world Rosie!

How scary but how brave you all are. Rosie is gorgeous and a lucky girl to have such a lovely Mummy and Daddy.

Enjoy, and be happy always

Lots of love and hugs to all three of you

Sameranda said...

Oh Gemma what a gorgeous little girl. You must be so proud!

I'm sorry it was all a bit scary with the delivery, you must be so exhausted after going through that! But she's home and all's well, I'm so pleased for you both, she really is beautiful. xxx

Gem said...

Thanks ladies,
yes was very scary indeed but all worth it to have our amazing little girl. She is very precious!!
Off to rest now as the lack of sleep is starting to catch up with tim and I!
HUgs, gemma x