Monday, February 11, 2008

Katie and Tracey, I miss them soooooooooo much.....
Below are my babies on thier climber thing, they now sleep at the top together!

Katie's little girl Pheobie, she was so well behaved at our hosue seeing we sat and chatted for four hours or so, she amused herself with the boys.

I had my lovely old school friends visiting this weekend, we had a lovely saturday full of gossiping and chatting about my new school and Milverton. Not sure now the perfect school ever exists, Katie and Tracey are still having same old issues back there and I have different ones with my new school. I guess it's all experience!! I suggested we set up our own perfect school just the three of us, oh and my friends Laura and Fi can join in too of course!!! what a giggle that would be...

Tim and I also took our kittens outside for the first time ever! Was scary, didn't take any photos as I was too busy being an overprotective mother and panicking about them going over the fence!

here are my photos!


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