Monday, May 07, 2007

More photos...

The ring and bouquet! The cake - it is a traditional Danish cake
Her something blue on her garter!
Tim and I after a few glasses of wine!
Anna S. and I on the dance floor (I think she has the same smile as my friend Kirsty had, and Seonaid - her cousin in Guernsey, who is my sisters friend. It is a small world!!)
Mark, Kate, Helen and Tim
The first dance - they danced to Barry White's My first, my last, my everything!
It is just SO ROMANTIC!!!!!
Anna looking gorgeous!
Driving from the Church to the reception...
We have had a nice bank holiday monday but quite a quiet one, I feel a bit delfated after such a fantastic time at the wedding. I really don't want to sort my work out ready for tomorrow... I think it is going to be yet another busy week (as I have SO much marking to catch up on from last week and have ANOTHER governors meeting...)

So I thought I would put some more photos on of the wedding and search the internet for some honeymoon ideas! So far we have thought about Croatia, Canada, Grenada (which is way too expensive) and other exotic locations out o our budget... I think Tim and I need to start buying lottery tickets!!!

Well my diet sucks but I am determined to keep trying hard so I can wear a bikini this summer without worrying about looking like a beached whale!

Huge hugs, Gemma xxx

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