Friday, May 11, 2007


I am at school right now whilst kids are in assembly. I have non-contact today (kind of) working steadily through my Year 2 SATs readers. It takes so long but is thoroughly enjoyable having quality time with each individual to listen to them read and take time over it for once rather than trying to squeeze it into 5 minutes with 26 other children wanting to ask questions or being too noisy!

But right now I thought I would give myself and the children a bit of a break rather than keep one out to miss their play time and assembly - aren't I kind? So am playing on computer and doing this!

well Tim and I are having a relaxing weekend tomorrow, we have no money so won't even be pubbing or going out to dinner - we will have to find some cheap but cheerful meal from good old tescos!

Next weekend is the chemistry ball so I am going to try and rummage through all my clothes to put together an outfit without buying anything new or any new accessories... I am sure I can do it if I think creatively!!! It is scary to think it is Tim's last ever warwick uni ball - he has been there for so long!

Oh I also have to add today that my boyfriend is AMAZING as he has just had his 2nd paper published!!!! I am very proud of him. Those chemistry companies would be mad not to snap him up! (ok I may be biased but he really is fantastic!)

well as you have probably gathered no gossip or news from me, just bumbling along nicely wishing for the summer to come round a bit quicker! I don't want to wish my life away but Tim and I really are excited about this summer with more weddings and going back home to guernsey to swim in the sea and eat lots of yummy seafood and BBQ's!

chat soon, Gemma xxx

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