Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Holiday.... celebrate!!


It has been a long time since I last wrote because I had mum and sam to stay then I was ill and then I went to Guernsey for a long weekend break!

I had so much fun with mum and sam. I did lots of trying on wedding dresses and yes we did find 'THE ONE'!!!! It is very very exciting. So now we have to order it and wait six months, then I have fittings, then mum has to pick it up and take it home as she is doing a whole load of stuff on it which I won't go into details as it is a big suprise for tim, and I don't want him reading this and finding anything out!!! All I will say is that the dress is the prettiest one I have ever seen in my life and I wish I could wear it all the time!!!

This weekend my friend from work, Tracey, and I went to Guernsey for a bit of a holiday. It was great to see grandma and grandy and show off the sights to Tracey. We also went to spend some time at the hotel Tim and I are having our wedding reception at. We had a bit of a spa morning - gym, jacuzzi, sauner, steam room and I even indulged myself by having a back, nexk and shoulder massage!! heavenly!!

It also made me fall in love with St Pierre Park all over again, it really is such a lovely setting and I could totally see myself and Tim surrounded by all our family and friends on our wedding day!!!

Well I had better go, chat soon, Gemma xx

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