Saturday, August 20, 2016

Last lot of photos from our holiday... I promise!

Sorry I know I have uploaded loads but I took hundreds and trying to pick my favourites, there are just so many! And I always think if I loose my photos somehow at least if I have some on my blog my memories are there. I just wish I could turn my blog into a hardcopy book! How cool would that be!?

Anyway here are my last lot of photos I will add of our holiday...

Our Wedding Anniersary!

 This was possibly the best day of my holiday, although I had many great days!!! In fact it was just a brilliant holiday...

We went for afternoon tea at a posh hotel in Guernsey, it was amazing!!! Finley and Rosie had their very own kids afternoon tea with yummy kid friendly sandwiches which Finley LOVED and lots of yummy cakes which Rosie LOVED! Plus they got to choose milkshake or hot chocolate for their drink while I had a bellini! YUM!!!

 The food was incredible, I wish we could do it all over again... it's making me hungry just looking at al this delicious food!


So I am trying to download phoots, spent half an hour doing so and then managed to loose everything I had done....

so now I have attached the shortened version of photos (lucky for you as I have hundreds!) as I don't want to loose another 30 minutes of my life trying to upload again!!! RAGH!!! I HATE TECHNOLOGY!!!

So anyway, here are some photos of our holiday! We had a great time. No stress of every day life, was bliss. I am so sad to be home and back to reality of washing, cleaning, cooking, cleaning, tidying, cleaning, washing... you get the picture!

Two weeks till school starts back. I have a new job and am beyond petrified... I have never felt so nervous starting a new job before. Wish me luck....!

So enjoy my pictures. I will write again soon,
much love to whoever reads my blog still, I love writing it!
Gemma xx

 Off to Herm trip 1!!!
 Playing with the cousins on the beach
 My cousin Bev and I debating whether to swim or not!
 I braved it!

 Daddy arrived on the 6th!! And he bought LOTS of sunshine with him, the weather was amazing from when Tim arrived onwards. We have been so lucky!

 Herm trip 2!!!

 We passed a huge cruise ship!