Friday, October 30, 2015

Autumn 2015!

 So we are having a lovely autumn so far, I love this time of year. I always have. I love the beautiful colours on the trees and the weather starting to turn. Tim hates the darker mornings and evenings, but it makes me feel all cosy when I am wrapped up inside with the heating on. I must even admit to watching my first christmas movie last week and I also did a christmas jigsaw!!! haha!!

The children helped me collect loads of beautiful autumn leaves for school. Finley got a bit confused and enjoyed picking them rather than collecting the fallen leaves! He ended up with a load of green ones... funny boy!!

 We have just got back from our half term in Kent seeing Tim's family. We had a lovely time, the children loved seeing all the animals as always and riding on the ponies. Here are a few photos from our week...

 Rosie and Granny collecting Princess and Chico from the field
 Finley and Princess
 The children are getting more and more confident around the ponies the more we spend time with them

 Leading the ponies to the stables to be brushed before their ride
 The children took turns and each had a go riding on Princess and Chico
 Here Rosie is on Princess and Finley is riding Chico

 The children LOVED Annie's dogs, Mango, Amber and Thandi.
 Rosie and Finley both helped Granny pick up all the horse poos in the field

 Below Finley is riding Princess and Rosie is now on Chico

 My two gorgeous children!
 They also loved helping Granny with the chickens, collecting eggs and putting them away at night time so Mr Foxy-Loxy doesn't catch them!

We were so lucky with the weather and only had rain on our last day, below is one of the cute chickens who usually has a pom pom on his head, he was so wet from the rain he looked like he had hair gel on! Sweet

 I was admiring the beautiful raindrops dangling from the trees, Finley and Rosie were trying to get a rain drop on their fingers, then daddy goes and shakes the tree so we all got wet!!! cheeky!!
 On our last day we went on a lovely, muddy walk through the forest, it was so lovely and pretty. The dogs enjoyed it too!

 Not in any order now as the next set of photos are off Tim's phone camera....

 They found a cute little field mouse (??) in Granny's greenhouse, it was so cute!

Well there you go, another set of photos!

I have recently been really enjoying reading my blog. I love looking back and reading all the amazing things we have done over the past almost 10 years!!!

I will add more as we move towards Christmas 2015!!! I am so excited!!!

Bye xxx

Oh just found another photo...

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