Tuesday, August 18, 2015


 We had a fun time in France, here are some more photos...

At the house

 It was so nice to eat outside, it is freezing back in derbyshire I am currently wearing a vest, t-shirt and hoody!!! It is so cold. We were lucky to get such warm, sunny weather on our holiday.

 Eating delicious croissants and pan au chocolate outside for breakfast

 Rosie loved the rope swing in the garden

 In Dinan

 Having a rest walking back up the big hill...
 Yummy pizza

 We promised the kids an ice cream if they could walk back up the big hill, they were amazed by all the different ice-creams, there were some amazing colours and flavours!

 At Sable D'Or

 This was the best beach I thought, lovely soft sand and the water was amazing too!
 Washing off all the sand and having a bath in the paddling pool!

 Yummy patisseries!
Well until next time, I will try not to leave it so long until I write again.

Big hugs and happy summer holiday to you all!

Gemma xxxxx

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