Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Gem's Diet Diary Take 2!

Ok, so I know that there may be no-one out there who reads this anymore but I am going to be writing each week from now until the summer as I need to desperately loose some of this baby weight (I have put on 2 stone since I lost all that weight when I started this diet back in 2006!). 

I don't even feel brave enough to post my weight (which I used to do... so you do the maths from my first post!)

I am going to try to write as often as possible as it used to help me stay on track. 
So far today I have eaten a 0% liberte yoghurt with mango and melon. 

Wish me luck!!!

The kids are wonderful and keeping us busy! I will start taking some photos ready to put on this blog. Rosie just turned 6!!!! And Finley is turning 4 in July, starting school in September...!! Where did my babies go. I am so incredibly pleased with myself that I kept this blog. One day when I am rich I would love to have my blog made into a book. (There are loads of companies that do it but it will be a lot of money I think...!)


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