Sunday, June 05, 2011

36 weeks and 4 days tomorrow

Hey, so tomorrow is the day that Rosie arrived when I was last pregnant - 36 weeks and 4 days! I am hoping this little boy stays put a little while longer as Rosie and I are thoroughly enjoying our maternity leave. She now only goes to nursery 1 and 1/2 days a week. last week we did loads of fun things, helps that the weather is gorgeous too!

We went to visit ant yesterday too which was a lot of fun, I enjoyed my cuddles with Rebecca and Rosie was a good girl, although she did want to steal Rebecca's lovely soft blanket - Rosie LOVES blankets at the moment, she is very much into role playing with her dollies. She is currently tucking them into her big push chair. We have attached our new buggy board to it yesterday so have tried it out walking to the shop. Rosie stood on the buggy board while we pushed her baby dolls and teddy! Was fun! She loves it, I think it will be very useful!

Yesterday we went to the park, Rosie loves the slide the best, especially when her horse went first each time!
Rosie loving her paddling pool, has been a hot few days! Almost too hot for me carrying around this big bump!

Rosie and Einstein waiting for daddy to get home! They both pine from about 4.45pm till he gets home! Quite sweet really

Well no more news, loving maternity leave, Mum arrives this week for two weeks which will be lovely, then tim's mummy and daddy come for two weeks after that! Hopefully this baby will come at some point in the next 4 weeks so we have someone to look after Rosie, if he comes after the 1st of July Rosie will be going for a sleep over at her friend Gracie's house! Exciting times!!!!! x

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