Wednesday, April 27, 2011

day at the zoo!

We have had yet another few wonderful days this holiday. It seriously is the best holiday we have had together just the three of us at home. I think the warm weather has something to do with it as it has meant we can do lots of fun things. Today we went to Twycross Zoo, was a lot of fun. We took the trike instead of a pushchair which was great, Rosie loved looking at all the animals. She especially liked the giant lizards and the flamingos. When we asked her afterwards which animal she liked the best she said the penguins!

The famous camera smile is still going strong!

Rosie this afternoon enjoying her slide in the garden, she didn't last long though before she wanted to come inside and sit still for a bit, she sat next to me on the sofa for about 20 mins (which is a very long time for Rosie as she never sits still!). I think she was worn out after the zoo!

This was taken a few days ago when we all had banana milkshakes in the garden, like I say we have had fab weather!
This photo was just for you Ant to show you how messy these babies get, our lounge looked like a bomb had hit it, I hope your baby girl is tidier than ours!!
We were in the lounge when suddenly we heard the hoover start up, she had turned it on at the wall and then turned it on and started hoovering... well good we have her trained up so young - it will be easy keeping the carpet clean once baby boy smith arrives as Rosie can be in charge!
Our new fence - do you like? Tim is amazing and did it in a few days! It is so much safer now, I can actually sit on a chair and watch Rosie play rather than following her round all the time worrying she may fall off the side. Brilliant - well done Hubby!

Rosie and Daddy sharing a book, she still loves reading and is talking more and more each day.

We baked rice crispie cakes this week, here is Rosie enjoying one! Lucky little lady or what?
more paddling pool sessions...
I think Einstein is a bit brave getting this close to such a splasher!

well hope you like the photos, tomorrow we are off to Ant's, then we have a midwife appointment, then maybe we'll go to chuckles or the park in the afternoon, Friday we have our Royal Wedding party with the mummy and babies, and this weekend Dave and Vicki are visiting for a night. What fun!!! I LOVE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!

bye xxxx

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