Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rosie's new bedroom!

sorry it has been a while. I've had a busy few weeks with parents evenings etc.
We've also been getting lots of sorting done ready for Rosie to move into her new bedroom with her new big girls bed. We took our shelves and corner desk out and gave them to Ant and Gareth (who have just moved into their gorgeous new house! congrats you two!) then put a new bed and Rosie's chest of drawers into the little bedroom. It is now all safe with a stair gate on her doorway and only soft toys so that if she does get out of bed in the night there is nothing dangerous for her in the room at all.
Last night was the first night we tried it out, she was amazing. It did take a good 40 mins or so to settle her and I did have to go up a few times and put her back in her bed. After a while it went quiet and I sneaked up to look, she'd fallen asleep in her bed, with her duvet on, soundo! She then slept through the night (only waking once breifly and settled down again within minutes) till 7am! GO ROSIE!

Here are just a few more cute photos I liked, Rosie enjoying her choclate custard, she tried licking the pot out and ended up with a big circle all round her face!
Look at that concentration...

Well she is currently playing the garden with Tim, off for a walk this pm. We had a lovely walk last weekend with a few of tim's climbing friends from uni. They then all came back to ours for fish and chips, it was great. One of the couples has a 7 month old, another couple are expecting twins in June so there was a lot of baby chit chat!

Chat again soon, Mum I will try and update more often so you can see Rosie now you're in France.

Big hugs to everyone reading this xxxxxx

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