Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Exciting news and a lovely christmas

So here is baby smith number two! He/she is due 29th June 2011! We are thrilled and cannot wait for Rosie to become a big sister!

We've had a very busy christmas with mum, sam, grandma, grandy, ant and gareth. was a good one except for tim being really really poorly, I think it was the flu, my poor mum was suffering too but she battled on through the lemsips so she could see lots of rosie. I think everyone enjoyed watching rosie play and open all her presents, she was of course spoilt rotten! She had a bit of a cold so was quite grouchy up until boxing day then made a full recovery and was back on top form!

here are some photos, not in any order I'm afraid. first one is of tim plucking and gutting our pheasants. My mum and tim did it on christmas eve - maybe they caught their colds doing that out in the cold!

enjoy the photos - merry christmas to you all and a very happy new year from the Smiths! xxxx

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