Tuesday, August 04, 2009

we've had a busy few days already and it's only Tuesday! We had baby yoga yesterday which Rosie loved this week, she was such a good girl. Then in the afternoon I practised our baby massage in the lounge (our course is now finished so we're on our own practising now!), Rosie likes her legs being done but then gets a bit bored, I will keep trying as it must be so good for her skin!
I have been trying to get her smile on camera again as she is smiling lots now but my camera isn't quite quick enough and always gets red eye... ragh! Still she looks adorable don't you think?

Below - spot my naughty cat Oscar!! He is bad, he knows not to go in the basket and he knows he's not allowed on the purple blanket!!! Naughty!!!
Rosie is still trying hard to lift her head but it just seems so heavy for her, bless! She is holding it well when sitting up on my lap and is trying hard to lift it when she has her tummy time, but she gets very frustrated as she can't hold it up for long.

Well. Tomorrow we are off to Rosie's new friend William's house, his mum Emma has invited all our mummy and baby friends round for cakes! YUM! Then Thursday Rosie has her next set of jabs... :-(
I am worried, I hate seeing her in pain and I've heard this next set are more painful... not looking forward to it...

I had better scoot now, chat again soon, Gemma xxx

p.s. Ant update blog please!!!! Take lots of photos of your next hol just to make me jealous of being somewhere hot, it's raining again here surprise, surprise!!!

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