Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tim's greenhouse is now finished!!! I helped a little putting plastic rubber bits on the frame but tim did most... he is amazing!!!!
Our porchway is also finished!!! It looks fabulous, am now so proud to welcome people into our home! We now have a lovely floor and gorgeous hooks to hang our coats.

Annie wanted tim to show her his new car... here it is!
I have just had a day from hell taking my class to Chatsworth for the scultpure trail. I was so excited and looking forward to it, but the day started badly and went from bad to worse.. basically was feeling ill, then the bus driver went the wrong way so almost drove into a low bridge at Ambergate, luckily another bus spotted us heading that way and stopped him. So we had to do a ten point turn in the road, then he got lost so took 2 and a bit hours to get there. He also drove far too fast. I rang my school secretary to get her to complain to the bus company. Then when we finally got there is CHUCKED it down and we got totally soaked.... kept on walking round for a bit in the rain, then had lunch under a shelter we found, then sun came out so had about an hour to rush round all the sculptures. Then the bus journey home was horrendous... we almost crashed on the M1. OUr mad bus driver got lost so turned around to ask us which junction to come off at, but whilst facing us swerved off the hard shoulder!!!!!! I screamed at him to turn around.... was petrifying, all the kids were so scared. I just put on a big smile and told them it was fine but was shaking inside. Luckily survied but now making a big complaint against him, these people shouldn't have licenses to drive a bicylce.... let alone a double decker bus filled with children!!!! Rant over... sorry. Just had to moan!

Well here is a tranquil view through one of the sculptures to make me feel better,

big hugs, Gemma x


Ant said...
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Ant said...

Sorry deleted my message! I said that it looks really good at your house. And what an idiot bus driver. I hope he gets a good talking to by his employers.