Friday, August 29, 2008

Hi, these are some of my friend Katie's photos that I have cropped and the one above I turned balck and white! I can't wait to get some of our favourites printed out to put in frames! I have some perfect places to put them on our walls and on our new cupboard at the bottom of the stairs!!!
We have put some of mum's artwork on our walls - if I can possibly order some more, I have a large landscape shaped spot above our TV we would like another orangy/yellow mexican inspired piece please...!!!!

Below is our new bedroom wall colour, it is a feature wall as we have left the other walls ivory lace still. It looks fab! Just waiting for carpet to arrive tomorrow... YEY!
Mum this one is for you - it is my new coat - do you like????
well better scoot, am cooking my gorgeous husband his dinner - a delicious chicken, bacon, mozerella red pesto dish with asparagus and mange tout! YUM! My husband is busy sawing floor boards as we have just discovered a broken one in the bedroom that needs fixing before tomorrow when our carpets arrive.

Chat soon, big hugs, gemma xxxxx

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