Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here are some photos of our new bedroom! We have spent the whole day making a new wardrobe (tim) and bedside tables (me) since our new carpet arrived yesterday!!! It looks AMAZING! Our spare bedroom (which is the one we have been living in since last October) now looks amazing too as we have moved around the furniture and put some paintings up (some of my degree still life nudes!)

We are so pleased with it, we have also finally got a full length mirror and a TV in our bedroom!!! We haven't had that since I left uni 4 years ago.

I thought I would show you our lounge again, as it is looking so homely and cosy, we love relaxing in it...
Tim has been so busy this weekend, he has also done the garden. I helped too but tim really did most of it, we have finally cleared the right hand side of it and have sewn lots of grass seed which hopefully will grow and make an even bigger lawn!
My job was helping Tim bag up some pebbles that covered one part of the garden, and I also chopped down and cleared all the brambles/weeds that were growing all along the side fence. It is starting to look more like a real garden than a 'natural garden'!

Well I had better scoot, tim deserves a large glass of beer and for me to cook him something delicious, he really did an amazing job on the huge wardrobe too, I have been moaning for months about how there isn't enough space for my clothes and storage space for towels, now we have loads!

Chat soon, big hugs from a very happy, relaxed and excited (about sleeping in her new bedroom) Mrs Smith!

BYE xxxx


Katie said...

looks beautiful! well done.x you put us to shame with all your DIY!

Gem said...

thanks! we really are doing SO well, on to the bathroom next!!!