Sunday, August 24, 2008

Do you like our new cupboard at the bottom of the stairs? It looks amazing, and is some more much needed storage space. Below is mum and sam, they stayed to look after the cats during our honeymoon and we went out for dinner the night after we got back before they went home.
Below is Oscar loving mum, the cats loved mum and sam and gave them lots of cuddles... not sure mum and sam felt exactly the same way about them...
Our lovely new curtains, our friend Hannah gave them to us aren't they beautiful!?
Below will only mean something to Mum... I tried to recreate the wedding card Jenny and all the other Greenings gave to us... what do you think? maybe you could print it out and go show Auntie cathy???
Below is Oscar and Einstien trying to help me hang out the washing... they are being very cute except Einstien is currently having to be kept inside as he has some kind of swelling under his chin... blooin cats... they do save these traumers for bank holiday weekends... have phoned the emergency vet but nothing they can do unless he showing signs of being unwell, he is eating and drinking ok and seems quite happy, it doesn't hurt him to touch his chin and he is alert still. I hop eit goes away, maybe it is a bee sting or something, if it still there on tuesday i will have to take him to the vet or if it gets worse pay a fortune for the emergency one... I hope it goes away...! CATS!!! RAGH!!! who would ever have them...?
well better scoot, I am keeping a close eye on my baby...

off to check his chin...

bye xxx

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