Saturday, May 31, 2008

Above - I know you can't see it properly but this is the start to our new bathroom doorway, we (I say we, tim is doing the hard work I am watching and taking photos!!) are building a new stud wall and putting in a door, then knocking the separate loo and bathroom walls down to make on bigger room. It really will be a lovely bathroom when we are finished!!!

Below is a piece of art Mum gave me, it matches our lounge perfectly - looks good huh mum??? And I framed some art work I did at uni. Not sure where to put nudes, any ideas welcome?? I finished glossing the lounge today so we only need floor now!!!! It looks amazing!

Below is Oscar after knicking my rubber gloves yet again!!!! He is obsessed!!!!!!

Tim and I have had a fab day of DIY-ing!!! We are back in the swing after a busy month of May, with Tim being in America for a bit and me in Guernsey and all sorts of things going on in between! It has been very busy and not much DIY has got done. So now we have a timetable of things we want to get done - flooring downstairs, bathroom and touch ups on things we have done so far - and when we want to do them by... the thing is these bits always take longer than you imagine!

Better scoot,

p.s. Mum, Ant and Katie I want updated blogs please with photos!!!!

1 comment:

Sue's Stitches said...

Hi Gemma, my mexican wall embroidery looks good on your wall!! Matches your paintwork very well! shame you hung it upside down!!