Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow snow snow!!!

This is my snowman... or should I say 'was my snowman'... after being brutally murdered by horrible teenage boys!

Me and my snowmen, those were the good old days... oh how I miss him!

Hello, so I woke up this morning to beautiful white snow and phoned in to see if my school was shut and if I could have a lie-in, and yes it was shut but ycould I have a lie-in??? NO!!!

I had to go in to school as I am one of the few staff within walking distance and had to be there to turn away any children who didn't get the message that school was shut. I was initially annoyed but was actually fun to walk in with tim (he then got the bus to work) and was able to go home again at about 10am! WOHOOO!!

So I did some shopping (got tim's valentines pressie and some new slippers for me) then walked home via the park which was sooo beautiful with all the snow. The ducks, geese and swans did not look happy! I also saw a really cute dog with a snow beard!!!

Then I got home and made 2 snowmen by sueezing and rolling balls of snow. I really enjoyed myself and decorated one with sticks and twigs and put it on tim's car. I then came inside to cook my lunch and as I was doing that 2 horrible teenagers came and destroyed both my snowmen!!!!! GUTTED!!! How mean and horrible is that? So I am going to have a relax and warm up then go back out there, make a new one and hide it behind our flats until tim gets home.

well enjoy looking at my photos and I will go and enjoy my special day off!!!

Gemma x

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