Tuesday, February 09, 2016

A long time!!

 Ok so it has been ages since I last posted and lots has happened...

christmas was wonderful, very magical for the children. Father christmas brought them lots of lovely toys. Rosie loved all her puppies and Finley all his rescue bots/transformers/action figures..! We had a relaxing day where we watched the kids play, played games with them, ate yummy food, drank some lovely wine and Tim made a lot of lego!!
 On Christmas day the kids spent some time making salt dough bones for their puppies, Rosie got some bone shaped cutters from santa.

 Gma and Gdad bought the kids a massive chocolate snowman, they spent the next week nibbling on it each day!! YUM!

 We got Rosie a crystal growing kit and she is enjoying making crystals.

 It has been a very wet winter so far, no snow really (only a few sprinklings) but A LOT of rain!! It hasn't put us off getting out and about just well wrapped up...

 And our biggest news is we have a new member of our family, meet Charlie!!! Our new pet hamster... I am utterly in love!

 The kids are very into fruit at the moment, and I don't mean just eating it (they always love fruit) but making fun things using fruit such as cocktails, smoothies, lemonade and fruit kebabs!!

 More Charlie pictures!!!!

 "Let me out!!"
 Rosie making some hay toys for Charlie

Well there you go a quick update in photos!

Anoth crazy busy month ahead, it's half term next week and we are planning on going walking in the Lake district at the end of the month (if the weather lets us...)

Must dash but will try to update again soon, I still love looking back and reading this blog over the past few years even if no-one else reads anymore!!!

Bye, Gemma x