Saturday, December 24, 2011

merry Christmas everyone! Here are some more photos of the past week or so leading up to Christmas day. We had a lovely time with mum and sam, here are a few of my photos. This morning we went to ant's and had a lovely time making mince pies, Rebecca and Finley had a little play together. They are so sweet, Rebecca loves sitting up and standing up, Finley just loves rolling and playing on his tummy. They are so cute. Rosie loved helping Ant (her idol). Finley now sits in his high chair to eat, he is much happier at meal times now he can see us all.
Rosie's christmas hat, she painted a rudolf and I stuck lots of tinsel to it and made it into a hat...

we managed another fun night out last weekend when mum and sam were with us, we went for a curry with all my mummy friends! It was a lot of fun to be out the house and drinking a glass of vino or two!

well have a wonderful christmas, we will take lots of photos and videos ready for the next update!


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