Sunday, February 27, 2011

so we are back from a week in Guernsey. Rosie had a fabulous time on the beach and we enjoyed seeing all the family. The plane journey was an experience, one which I would rather not repeat without Tim. I do wish my family lived somewhere a little more accessible by CAR!

Rosie had a good day today chilling out at home before nursery tomorrow, ant came round this morning and she had her friends round this pm.

she enjoyed baking with auntie ant...

and playing this little piggy with grandad...

hope you like the photos.

i am gutted to be going back to work tomorrow, i am going to miss rosie so much after spending such a lovely week with her. I am issing tim too, can't wait for it to be the weekend.

big hugs xxxx

Saturday, February 12, 2011

here is my gorgeous girl, she is just amazing. We went down to visit laura today and William (3) and Holly (6 months), she loved Holly and really wanted to kiss and cuddle her - although she has got to learn she is much bigger and her cuddles need to be gentle, she can practise on Ant's baby before ours arrives!!!!
It is Ant's birthday on Monday so I have been baking a cake for her tomorrow, do you like it Ant??? Hopefully it will still be in one piece by the time it reaches you (it is tempting me right now!), if not there is always tescos round the corner to get a new one!
chat soon xxx

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Above, ne and ant and our bumps! You wouldn't think I am due 6 weeks after her... my bump looks bigger already! Well my excuse is that it's my second and i have no tumym muscles!!!

Below are some photos of my gorgeous Rosie, she has had such a lovely few weeks - she has been so well and healthy and happy. Unfortunately she has just started coming down with a cold this morning or it could be teething...

We had a lovely weekend with Tony and Judith, I think they enjoyed seeing Rosie and how much she has grown. She adored seeing them and gave out lots of kisses and cuddles! I forgot to take photos but am excited to see some of the photos they took!

Below is Rosie helping Tim build our new ikea cupboards. We are getting outselves sorted before baby no.2 comes along. I can't wait to get Rosie's new room sorted with her big girls bed.

Chat again soon xxx