Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Rosie's new buggy board!

Gosh who'd have imagined two years ago when I was pushing around my tiny new born baby girl that soon she'd be standing on a buggy board waiting for her baby bro to arrive!

She LOVES her buggy board and is constantly wanting to stand on it and play with her baby dolls in the push chair, we have explained that when her baby brother arrives that he will be going in it and that she can watch him sleeping while we go for walks. She seems excited but I am sure she won't like the reality of it.... hopefully she'll get used to him quickly!

Below is her new pony, she got him from Asda when we bought the buggy board, she adores him. It's when she wants a real pony we worry!
My mum is currently over helping out Ant, we popped round to lunch and the afternoon. Was good to see mum, Rosie had a lot of fun watching Rebecca be changed then copying on her dolly, very sweet to watch her role playing so well on her own! Gorgeous girl!

Well Rosie is at nursery this morning, then I am picking her up after lunch to go to Twisting Tots and the park. She is excited about dancing! Sweet!

Best scoot, 37 weeks pregnant today by the way (that is classed as full term!!)

bye x

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