Look at the latest stunning outfit my mummy has knitted for Rosie!!!! It is ADORABLE, thank you so much mum, she loves it! Below is the matching head band and it is all to go with a dress she made but you'll have to wait till Sunday to see the whole outfit. I don't want to put her in it and have her vomit on it before the big day, we are off to her friend Grace's Christening on Sunday. She is going to be the best dressed baby there i think! Look at the matching knitted shoes!!!! amazing!

Look what I caught Tim feeding our daughter.... a toffee crisp!!! he is so naughty!

Rosie being a cool dude, with her cap and mobile! Can you get a cooler baby? I think not....!

Plus she is already on Year 4 maths work. Intelligent too.

And she also is still playing peek a boo with any fabric she can lay her hands on including her dresses. How sweet!

Well there is our latest update. Tim off to america next week, :-(
I must admit I am dreading doing the nursery drop off and pick up plus work plus bathtime plus feeding and inevitably clearing up vomit ,and dealing with all the nighttime wake ups (we've had a lot recently, maybe teething?)... with out tim. He is an amazing daddy and helps me so much. we are a fab team. Bring on April I say.
well I must dash, chat again soon, xxxxx
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