Ok so Rosie and I are back home. We had a bit of a horrible journey due to delays but she was an angel and slept from take off till landing. We love being back with Tim but I am missing my family lots after such a wonderful week. I really did have an amazing holiday, it went far too quickly. Mum was a super star and fed Rosie most meal times so I had a break from trying to get her to eat (she is still having food issues, it sucks but we'll get there... one day... if not she'll be having pureed jam sandwiches in her lunch box when she's 7 years old)
Mum and I knitted too when I was in Guernsey, we made some hair bands for Rosie, I did the green band and Mum did the flowers, she made the pink one. Cute huh?
Below is Rosie LOVING playing with Grandy's 80th balloon, she loved it, pulling it down then letting it go. Such a sweetie.

Below (spot the hair band I made!) is Rosie in her high chair, it was my grandma's highchair when she was a baby. Rosie liked it!

We went for lots of walks round Bordeaux, was lovely to get some fresh sea air. I do miss the sea so so much.

Below are lots of photos of Mum and Rosie, they both looked lovely for Grandy's 80th party.

Well Mum took loads more photos so you need to go to her blog for more.
I will write again soon, off to get ready for work tomorrow (boo hoo... )
BYE xxxxx
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