Sunday, September 27, 2009

Above Rosie right now!

Below, I could't resist! I know Halloween is a while away but this outfit just called out to me...

Below, Papaya and banana - YUMMY!

Rosie is really wanting to be sitting upright all the time now, she gets frustrated when i don't lean her forward, I don't think it will be long before she sits up on her own!


we've had a lovely week and fab weekend so far too! Last week Rosie and I met up with all our mummy and baby friends a few times, unfortunatlely all the babies seem to enjoy spreading their colds and Rosie is now poorly with a cold! Good for her to build up immune system but so sad to see her snuffling away. I have just settled her for a nap in her lovely squishy ring so hopefully that will help her feel better.

She is loving tasting lots of new foods, she now likes papaya, banana, apple, pear, carrot, butternut squash and swete potato. She does NOT like avocado!!! Oh she also likes baby oats and baby rice!

My cousin Bev had a baby on Monday, Alana Rose and my friend Lucy had her baby on the same day called Abi. Congratulations both of you lovely ladies!!!

Also my friend Helen is due in two days... so exciting!!!

Well I had better scoot and use this time whilst Rosie is sleeping to do something useful... or maybe I'll watch a movie.....!!!! BYE xxx

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