Monday, May 18, 2009


Tim, Rosie and I have had a lovely nights sleep (after a not so good nights sleep the night before!), she settled really well and so did tim and I!
She is now listening to her mozart CD and sleeping in her moses basket in our bedroom.

So far this morning Tim has popped into work to get some stuff he needs and dropped off some important letters at the Drs we were given by the hospital. I have showered, dressed, eaten breakfast, cleared the washing away, tidied my hospital bag, cleared out two new drawers for all of Rosie's new clothes people have given us as gifts, fed and changed Rosie! How organised am I? Call us Super Mum and Super Dad!!!

I am doing it all nice and slowly, little bits at a time so not to over exert myself. Now my scar and tummy is starting to feel better it is hard to remember not to overdo it. I can't believe they say I am not allowed to drive or lift things for 6 weeks, that sounds like an awfully long time!

Below is a photo of me this morning, my tummy is starting to shrink back down and my belly button is now an inny again!
here is Rosie in her room, can you spot her Peter Rabbit Granny?
Last night the boys were in their element, we let them in with us and they loved it. They are not bothered by Rosie at all, even if she cries, they just want her basket to sleep in so we have to keep a watchful eye over them at all times. At the moment they are shut in the kitchen as it would be too hard for me to manage on my own. When tim is here it is easier. I am sure they will get used to it more and more.
They decided they like my breast feeding chair as it is full of cushions for them... cheeky things!

Well I had better scoot, I am going to start writing in my baby book for Rosie when she grows up. Chat again soon, Gemma xxxxx

1 comment:

beth spencer said...

Gem it is so lovely to see your photos and read your blog at such an exciting time for you.

You look great - unbelievable to know what you went through last week.