So world book day at our school was on friday and we all dressed up, the theme was animals so the staff decided to do 101 dalmations with our head as cruella devil! We looked fab!! Below is me, I did have spots but not many and I didn't put any on my hood...
I come from the beautiful Island of Guernsey but am now living in Derbsyhire with my husband and children. Tim and I got married in August 2008, in May 2009 we had our first child, baby Rosie and in July 2011 we had our little boy, Finley. They are perfect and are my world.
I am currently fighting bowel cancer and am not teaching right now. I want to keep my mind busy and I find art and animals help with my mental health. I decided to set up a new blog to share my work and offer local art, craft and pet sitting services as and when my treatment plan allows.
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