Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ant you wanted to see more photos of me - well I am not putting one of me at the moment as it is a school night and I look awful, so here is one from my third year at 59 radford road, this was taken on the night I got together with Tim!!!
From left to right - Helen, Anna, Kate, Me and Little Helen... Our Moulin Rouge House Party!
Hi there,

Diet sucks - well is ok but exercise is non-ezxistent right now so I really need to try and make a bit of an effort... It is just so hard when it is raining - I have that SAD disorder don't y0u know and need some sunshine to inspire and motivate me... maybe Tim needs to get a job somewhere hot hot hot!!!?

School busy but going well. SATS going on and I am hating it, I feel so bad for my adorable children who are only 6 and 7 years old and are being made to do 'tests' to 'assess' them.. it is just mean and so unnecessary. They are children and they should be focusing on enjoying being at school and geting great learning experiences not worrying about 'what level they are at'. It totally make me mad!!

Anyway, other than that. Tim and I have the chemistry ball this saturday. I can't believe it has been a whole year since I started blogging. The photo on my profile was taken this time last year att he Chem ball. I am planning on either wearing the same dress or one of Luara's she is lending me. I wish I was lighter and slimmer than I am but never mind, I need to learn to love myself then if I loose weight it is a bonus not a need.

well no more news from me I am afraid, chat soon, hugs Gemma x


Ant said...

Whatever happened to little Helen?

Gem said...

she is in london wokring as an accountant and doing her exams. She is living with her boyf and doing lots of her dancing stuff she always loved! I still email every so often but havent seen her in years!