Look at our tiny baby in her big girl's high chair!!!??!! How sweet is she? she is still a bit tiny to sit and eat in it so when she feeds she sits on my lap at the moment, but it really won't be long till she is in her chair for every meal! wow time is flying, this time last year we had only just found out we were expecting! how fast time goes...
Below is Rosie's new warm winter beret that Grandma Sue knitted her. How adorable does she look! All my mummy friends are envious that I have such a talented mummy.

Here is Rosie looking cute yet again, Ant thinks Rosie looks like my Grandad when he was this age. I can kind of see it, Grandma thinks so too a little!

Below is the cardigan Grandma Sue knitted when Rosie was in my tummy, she was convinced at that point that Rosie was going to be a boy. We have already had a comment from an old lady that Rosie was a very handsome boy!!! How rude!!

This week has been one disaster after the next. First Oscar was really poorly, he went to the vet and had a temperature. So he needed an injection of antibiotics. Then Tim's car died AGAIN... ragh! Then Einstien got ill, also temperature and needed antibiotics - of course with no car was a nightmare sorting times to actually get him to the vet. THEN... someone used my bank card so had to cancel it and get a new one. So every morning this week Tim has had to clean up cat sick before going to work and we've had to feed them chicken, they are back on normal cat food now and seem to be on the mend. Hopefully that is it for things going wrong...
Below Oscar feeling sorry for himself...

Below is Einstein starting to feel better...

here's my little girl trying to sit up. She is balanced by a lot of toys right now, she still hasn't got her balance but I don't think it will be long.

She is loving her food at the moment, she loves peach the best but also likes butternut squash and pear mixed together. below she just enjoyed her first taste of peas mixed with... wait for it... carrot, sweet potato, apple and pear!!! What a fruit and veg medley!!! she loved it!!!

Well we've had a mad week as I've said but also fitted in going to our new friend Amanda's house with her little boy Baxter, and a few of the other mummy and babies came along too. I made cheesecake! And today we had our final baby massage session, we got a certificate!
Rosie is such a good little sleeper now, we have our evenings back. She sleeps from 8pm till 6am now. It's lovely!
wish me luck for having a better weekend and week. fingers crossed!
bye xxxx
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