Friday, April 25, 2008


so here are just a few snaps from my hols with grandma and grandy. This one is of the three of us at the Cotton Mill Museum in Matlock, was really interesting seeing all the old machinery and they had old shoes from the workers, tiny shoes that must have been worn by children. The noise of just one machine working was deafening after a while so you just couldn;'t imagine the conditions and noise the workers would have had to put up with! Below is Grandma and Grandy in Eyam, the plague village. Again it was fascinating looking around the museum which had time lines of when the people caught the plague and how quickly it went through the villagers, it had who died in each house in each family, the symptoms of the plague, stories of some of the villagers... really interesting and deeply saddening too, felt quite emotional walking around some of the houses.
Grandy and Grandma at the mill in matlock
The bobbin room - it had thousands of bobbins all hanging around the place, all different sizes.
Grandy and grandma taking photos and looking round the outside of the mill at matlock.

Well my first week back at school has been really productive and organised suprisingly! My numeracy management stuff is going well, my teaching is going well too. The children were a little chatty today and the girls are just so frustrating when they fall out! The thing is I remember vividly how I used to fall out with Hayley and Justine... we used to be best friends one minute the fall out the next then by home time we'd be planning the games we would play the next day...

We are in the process of getting displays ready for the hall - I am trying to do a french one but also wanting to make it interactive and exciting... how???!!! help any ideas welcome!!!

Tim is out tonight with work people, they said I could go but none of the other wives have gone so I thought I would feel a bit odd and they are bound to be talking chemistry all night. So I have had a chinese take away and a large glass of wine, the kittens are being so naughty fighting all the time, I think they want to go outside but it is dark so they can't! I have been very brave and let them out all week after school for a few hours.

Tomorrow Tim and I are going shopping in Derby in the morning then we are off to Oxford to celebrate Katie's birthday and Kath and Jason's engagement. It should be a fun evening. We are leaving our kittens on their own for one night, I am sure they will be fine but I worry about them....

better scoot now, I am watching Ally McBeal then am going to have a long soak in the bath before going to be and having a LOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGgggggggggg lie in tomorrow,


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