Lian just sent me this email and I thought it was quite funny! I giggled and agreed with majority of the below! And Tim was reading it and asked what does 'Le prev-ot' mean (saying it phonetically!) DUH!!!!
Anyway enjoy Mum and Ant (and any one else reading this!!!)
You know you're from Guernsey if...
You remember when the YESS shops used to be Guernsey Press shops, Checkers Express used to be Stampers, RBSI used to be the Royal Hotel and Admiral Park wasn't even a twinkle in an architect’s eye...
You become to slightly dread the question, 'Where are you from originally then?’ when at uni, as you have to then reply, 'Guernsey, it's halfway between England and France, yes it's near Jersey, no, Guernsey is better, no I don't speak French, yes we do have electricity/traffic lights/cars' in one breath and then deal with the inevitable blank looks/piss taking
You have been known to refer to England as 'the mainland'
You totally slag off the Guernsey Press...but still read it to see if you know anyone in it
The Muratti, the Siam Cup and the Island Games are all important sporting dates You remember when Barbados was The Monkey, Buddha Bar was Bambou, Toast was Baloo’s, Rogues was 54, Claddagh was the WKD Bar and you totally can't keep up with whether they're calling it the Bankers or the White Hart this week.
If you're older, then you remember number 10, Nix and the Cozy (now Albion)
You went to under 18s nights at 54, the Monkey and Peaches You know that North Beach is not a beach, the States has nothing to do with America, the Bridge isn't actually a bridge at all and the Cup and Saucer has nothing to do with crockery
You roll your eyes at English people's pronunciation of Le Prevost, Castel, Mahy, L'Islet, Moulin Huet and all other Guernsey names
You shorten Valle des Terres to Valdies, the Rockmount to the Rocky, the Vazon Bay to the VB and Beau Sejour to Beausie...and are unsure on exactly what the States overspent about a billion pounds on when building the new Beausie
When talking about people, you have heard your parents describe someone as, 'the girl Le Lacheur' or 'the boy Falla' and are resigned to the fact that whoever you go out with, your parents and/or your friends will somehow know your boyfriend's parent's best friend's neighbour's dog, or similar tenuous link
You learnt to drive in the Alliance car park
You regularly say, 'eh', 'is it' and 'cheerie' You know what 'a la perchoine' and 'sarnia cherie' mean
Your summer revolves around Cobo/Vazon/the Rockmount and the highlight is Liberation Day and the Vale Earth Fair
You used to hang around Port Soif/Grandes Rocques/Vazon car parks and beaches from the ages of about 13 to 16 and remember the (actually very good) beach parties at Pembroke
You are very smug about how Guernsey is a tax haven (despite the fact that it costs roughly the same amount of money to buy a shed in Guernsey as it would to buy a four bedroom house in England)
During the summer, you get serious road rage at the tourist's hire cars who just don't know how to use filters or any traffic jam lasting over 10 minutes
You roll your eyes/rant every time Howard Holland and/or Tom Scott are mentioned in conversation
You have been rock/cliff jumping and cow tipping
You know why it is a good idea to avoid the sea front and coast at high tides (seaweed all over your windscreen, anyone?)
You watch 'Spotlight' and 'Channel Report'
You can (and regularly have to) reverse about 3 miles up a lane in St Andrews/Torteval/St Peters to reach a passing place
You have no recollection of ever seeing more than about half an inch of snow but get insanely excited every time someone says, 'ooh might stick this time'
You refer to people from Jersey as 'crapauds'...and know what it means (toads, in case anyone doesn't)
You have taken part, or know some nutter who has, in the Christmas Day swim
You can always recognise any Guernsey car in England because of the absence of letters on the number plate
You find it totally normal that you have to take a plane or boat to England
You have been to Herm, Sark, Jersey or even France for lunch, if you have/know someone with a boat
You find it bizarre that the pubs in England close at 11pm, instead of 12:45am
You bought alcohol from Candie Cache and/or Collings Road shopper when you were 14, as they would serve anyone.
You can slag off living in Guernsey as much as you want but if anyone not from Guernsey tries to, you act as though they have just mortally insulted your family.